Welcome to DSN Media

Sharing Your Voice With The World
Production, Distribution and PR…guaranteed.


Reaching More People



We help you reach more people quickly by increasing your visibility and overall online presence.

From distribution to up to 500 media networks and outlets around the world, to more online promotion methods such as social media, SEO and more, to our growing list of influencers ready to spread the word about yourself, your business or idea, we will maximize your online exposure and ensure your highest visibility.

We deliver the highest level of personalized service resulting in fine-tuned media and PR campaigns.

Our TV shoots are a unique experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. We take care of every detail from preparation and media training to makeup and editing. The final product will be a video and show you can use on your website, in marketing and more to help get your story, your passion and your message into the hands of more people than ever before. You will receive press releases, a hi-def copy of your interview and other ways to use the video.


Lights, camera, action! We host multiple TV shows such as Phoenix Rising, BLISS with Kumari, Divine Bestseller Show and many more on DSN. We have shows that suit every conscious entrepreneur, changemaker, author or artist. Appearances on one of our shows or having your own show will position you as an expert in your field and give you the opportunity to further share your message with the world.


DSN has perfected the art of storytelling by helping thousands of clients tell their stories and share their voice and unique gifts with the world through film with our Emmy award winning director and crew that has worked on The View. We have learned over the years that telling your story through a show, music video, docu-series or documentary film is many times the best way to share your message and help more people.

Find Out More About Our Custom Theme Songs and Music for your show, movie or project


What happens when a customer or prospect Googles your name, or the name of your business? Do you like the results? Would you like to? We have developed online and offline connections to reach hundreds media outlets around the world to get bookings for speaking on stage. ​LEARN MORE


Publishing a book is a fantastic way to help more people and grow your business. Congrats on getting published! Now, it’s all about promotion. Most authors know that getting published was only the beginning and you have to promote it to get noticed. The Best Sellers Show gives you professional visibility to do just that. You’ll also have the opportunity to become a Best-Selling Author, which will position you as a Divine Messenger in your field. You may also be honored live on stage or virtually for your best seller at our annual Awards.



Don’t wait.


Schedule today and watch your business RISE.